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혈구탐식성 림프조직구증 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
  • 구상적혈구증    Spherocytosis
  • 백혈구증가증    leucocytosis
  • 조직구조 조직 구조    Organizational structure
  • 유전성 구상적혈구증    Hereditary spherocytosis
  • 진성적혈구증가증    Polycythemia vera
  • 직구    직구 [直球] 『야구』 a straight ball.
  • 탐식    탐식 [貪食] voracity; edacity; gluttony. ~하다 eat voraciously[greedily]; eat avidly; devour; gormandize. ~하는 사람 a voracious person / a glutton / a gormandizer.
  • 혈구    혈구 [血球] a blood corpuscle. 백[적]~ a white[red] corpuscle.▷ 혈구 계수 the blood count.▷ 혈구 세포 결핍 the deficiency of red corpuscles; oligocythemia; aglobulism.▷ 혈구소 =헤모글로빈.
  • 식성    식성 [食性] taste; preference; palate. ~에 맞는 음식 agreeable[favorite] food. ~에 맞다 suit[please] one's taste[palate]. ~이 까다롭다 be fastidious about food / have a delicate palate.
  • 림프    림프 『解』 lymph.▷ 림프관 [-管] a lymphatic vessel[duct].▷ 림프샘[선(腺)] a lymphatic gland; a lymph node. ~선이 붓다 develop swollen lymphatic glands.▷ 림프선염 [-腺炎] inflammation of the lymphatic gland.▷ 림프액 [-液] lymp
  • 직구리    linoone
  • 탐식가    stodge
  • 탐식자    locust
  • 백혈구    백혈구 [白血球] 『解』 a white corpuscle; a leukocyte; a leucocyte. ~의 leukocytic.▷ 백혈구 감소증 leukopenia; leukocytopenia.▷ 백혈구 수 leukocyte count.▷ 백혈구 증가증 leukocytosis; leucocytosis.▷ 백혈구 형성 leukopoiesis; leuc
  • 적혈구    적혈구 [赤血球] 『解』 a red (blood) cell; a red corpuscle; an erythrocyte.▷ 적혈구 침강 속도 the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. ~ 침강 속도 검사[시험] an erythrocyte sedimentation test.
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